Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fire Trucks and Hog Sooie

So it has been awhile since my last post. We have been so busy with school and other activities. Lane is doing well at KDO. He loves to make me crafts and see me on the playground. He has just started to go into his class without crying which for us has been a hard bump in the road to get past. I have been so proud of all his accomplishments! Here are two of my favorite things that have happened this week.

Lane absolutely loves fire trucks! He has a little red one that he pushes around and turns the siren on, and pretends he is saving "peoples" from a fire. This past Sunday was September 11, 2011 and our church was honoring emergency reponders, firemen, police, ect, Lane saw the big yellow fire trucks and wanted to go look at them. He thought they were so cool!

Isnt he just the cutest thing? Boy does he love "lellow" fire trucks!

My 2nd favorite moment actually happened today. Today the high was like 65 degrees, which after topping off the high 90s the past 3 months seemed pretty cold. So this morning before school I was trying to pick out lane's clothes, and he decided he would help me. We looked in his closet and he pointed to his "hog sooie" outfit (red and white Arkansas wind suit). He looked so cute! He loved zipping up his jacket and showing me his hog on his pants. Lane loves the  hogs! We were on the playground together so I decided to take some pics. The last one is my favorite!

This one I asked him to say cheese and this is what he does! haha!

My sweet little razorback! Oh how I love him!